Zeplin Figma

  • Figma 和 Zeplin 之间的集成仅适用于 Zeplin 的客户端。 目前无法从 Figma 导出到 Zeplin 的浏览器版。 不同的团队有不同的协作方式,作为协作设计工具,我们一直在增加新功能和改善现有功能,这有助于改善.
  • With Zeplin, you can publish finalized designs from Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD and Photoshop. Developers get a 'locked' design to build from, while designers can iterate on the next great release. Zeplin is the source of truth for finalized designs, if it’s not in Zeplin it won’t be in the shipped product.
  • Most important of all is the fact that Figma is a design tool at heart, while Zeplin is more of an ‘asset assembly plant' for designs. That said, both Figma and Zeplin.
  • We’ve rebuilt the Figma integration from the ground up to fix critical performance issues. If you install the Zeplin plugin in Figma but don’t have the Zeplin desktop app installed yet, the plugin won’t be able to launch Zeplin for the export process to be done and it will be stuck on the 'Launching Zeplin'.
Zeplin figma plugin

Zeplin Figma Plugin

We’ve rebuilt the Figma integration from the ground up to fix critical performance issues. If you install the Zeplin plugin in Figma but don’t have the Zeplin desktop app installed yet, the plugin won’t be able to launch Zeplin for the export process to be done and it will be stuck on the 'Launching Zeplin…' state.

Welcome back to the second episode of Zeplin + Figma: Better Together, where we talk to product and design leaders about how they are leveraging Zeplin and F.

Please download the Zeplin desktop app here and try exporting again:

Zeplin Figma

☝️If the issue continues, reach out to us using the chat dialog on the bottom right or email us at support@zeplin.io.

Related articles:

Zeplin Figma

Zeplin Import Figma